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It's In Our Blood

 If you have exhibited livestock, you will understand the saying "It's in our blood".  You know that feeling of excitement when you grip the halter tight and walk through the gate of the arena.   You know what it feels like to stick that perfect view for the judge. You know the smell of Final Bloom and the feel of your favorite show stick in your hand. You have felt the rush of the champion slap and learned from defeat.   

     The best memories of my life have involved my family and showing livestock.   In this picture, that's me holding the halter and my big sister watching over me.  How lucky were we? 

     My siblings and I were raised on a farm with show cattle.  My Dad and Aunts all showed and had success so it's in our blood.  My family has raised show cattle for a few decades and most all of the steers my siblings and I showed were homegrown calves.  We watched our Dad sync cows, A.I. cows and involve us in all the daily workings of his show cattle operation.  When calves were born, we were there to see if it might have potential to be one of our calves.  

    Show season always reminds me of those times in the show ring.  I had the privilege of showing in the Astrodome at Houston twice with my steers. My big sister won Houston with a steer my Dad raised. My brother won Reserve steer at San Angelo with a homegrown steer.  My parents spent a lot of money and time so that my siblings and I could do what we loved, showing cattle. 

     I remember crying my eyes out the last time I showed at Houston. It was over and that was so hard for me.  I felt like the thing I loved most was over.  

     Now there are trophies, photos, banners and stories to remember those times.  My siblings and I's trophies have a special place at my parents home among my Dad's show trophies that he won. 

     The love of showing cattle is what fuels us.  We learn to adapt with the changing times.  We learn something every day as we work with cattle and push ourselves to challenge the competition.  Even though we take different roles we continue to have a hand in the livestock industry.  People like us don't retire from the show ring, it's in our blood!  

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